Dispel - definitie. Wat is Dispel
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Wat (wie) is Dispel - definitie

(dispels, dispelling, dispelled)
To dispel an idea or feeling that people have means to stop them having it.
The President is attempting to dispel the notion that he has neglected the economy.
v. a.
Disperse (completely), scatter, dissipate, banish, drive away.
·vt To drive away by scattering, or so to cause to vanish; to clear away; to Banish; to Dissipate; as, to dispel a cloud, vapors, cares, doubts, illusions.
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Dispel
1. Just to dispel any confusion.
Good Vibrations - My Life as a Beach Boy _ Mike Love _ Talks at Google
2. and to dispel preconceived notions
Voice Builder to the World _ Gary Catona _ Talks at Google
3. to adequately dispel these ideas about baseball,
Smart Baseball _ Keith Law _ Talks at Google
4. dispel some people's misconceptions about it
Street Vegan _ Adam Sobel _ Chefs at Google
5. I wanted to dispel you of.
Jeff DeGraff, Staney DeGraff _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Dispel
1. D‘Kendall tried to dispel unconfirmed information.
2. Obama‘s campaign has sought to dispel rumors he is Muslim.
3. We have tried to confront and dispel these rumours.
4. After her rescue, he helped her dispel this fear.
5. To dispel fears of Iran‘s nuclear intentions, Mr.